Hi, I'm Ann Klossing!

My Mission

My mission is to transform the way a person responds to life experiences while taking responsibility for their own words and actions through simplified methods in my guidebooks, courses, spiritual mentorship programs, and public speaking.

How it began

I am passionate about Universal Law, Skilled Thought, and Soul Agreements and how they intertwine to create an amazing life – or a not so amazing life. I was not born a skilled thinker nor was I savvy in managing my emotions. I spent decades in and out of depression and was a master of creating a chaotic life filled with fear that squashed my confidence. I hid and played small.

I began aligning myself with great mentors such as Jack Canfield, Patty Aubery, Kate Butler, Marry Morrissey, and the Brave Thinking Institute. I began hanging out with people who believed and supported my dream.

And now

I study Universal Law, do the work, and I understand how the Laws of Vibration and Attraction always work for me. I now understand that it is the egocentric mind that creates the lies, the knee jerk reactions, and continues to feed the chaos and pandemonium that it creates in my own mind – IF I ALLOW IT. AND, the Laws must follow THAT vibration that is created through thought.  

I am a co-author of Women Who Shine, and author of my inspirational memoir, Finding You IS Finding God, The Interrelationship Between Thought, Universal Law, Soul Agreements, and the Human Experience which will be published soon.

My Credentials


  • Usui System of Natural Healing, First Degree, Reiki Two Practitioner and Master Practitioner
  • Brave Thinking Master, Brave Thinking Institute, Mary Morrissey
  • Reignite Your Life, Canfield Training Group
  • Breakthrough to Success, Canfield Training Group
  • Permission Granted, Patty Aubery

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